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Greyhounds racing ahead in pet popularity

They are gentle, well-mannered, affectionate, low-maintenance, have little odour and shed minimally, and they are extremely quiet and docile.

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GAP joins rehoming organisations in Mission: Adoptable

Victoria’s Greyhound Adoption Program has joined with eight other Victorian animal welfare groups, who are concerned about the number of animals in shelters, in ‘Mission: Adoptable’.

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Greyhound Racing SA boosts funding for Track Injury Rebate Scheme

Greyhound Racing SA has expanded its Track Injury Rebate Scheme, injecting an additional $150,000 per annum to cover participant veterinary care costs.

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Record numbers for re-homing

The announcement that more than 2000 retired greyhounds have been re-homed into pet life in the space of just 12 months – a record for Greyhound Racing NSW – has been hailed as a milestone moment and big success.

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New home for Queensland greyhounds

A state-of-the-art greyhound racing facility that will be the new home of the sport in Queensland has been granted development approval.

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Facts matter when it comes to greyhound racing

This opinion piece by Stephen Lockley, Chair of Hobart Greyhound Racing Club was submitted to the Hobart Mercury.

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COMMENT: New site for racing on the North-West Coast will benefit the industry

The Tasmanian government is a strong supporter of the local racing industry.

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Greyhound racing: Peter Heterick enjoying life as a trainer

When you see Peter Heterick at the racetrack, he always has a smile on his face. And why not? He loves being a greyhound trainer.

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New GAP Facility At Richmond Officially Opens

GRNSW ambassadors Tim Cahill and Harry Garside were among the special guests and dignitaries in Western Sydney recently for the official opening of the new GAP facility at Richmond.

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New Greyhound Care Scheme

Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) is rolling out its flagship Greyhound Care Scheme (GCS) following a successful pilot program.

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How the Victorian Racing Industry rakes it in for the economy

An independent report has found Victoria’s racing industry generates almost $4.7bn of value to the state economy.

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Whether young or old, age is no barrier in greyhound racing

One thing about greyhound racing participants is that age is no barrier.

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Greyhounds race to the lead in Cheryl’s life

Greyhounds were slow to appear in Cheryl Isaac’s life but they have raced to the front and are staying firmly in the lead.

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Most greyhound trainers treat their dogs ‘like royalty’

A former partner of a greyhound trainer has shared the incredible efforts most trainers go to when caring for their race dogs.

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Love Story

Recently we’ve seen several of our senior citizens remaining active in a sport they love. 1977 Australian Cup-winning trainer William (Alan) Fairlie, 93, is a case in point.

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Industry unites for Grays

The greyhound racing industry has rallied as one behind Richard and Cheryl Gray and their three granddaughters after fire destroyed their Pyalong home last week.

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Numerous adoption days on the calendar

The adoption days run across NSW offer locals the opportunity to potentially find a new family member, and provide a chance for people to experience the placid & beautiful nature of greyhounds.

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Herbie’s ‘love bug’

Greyhound racing historians would have ‘dusted off’ their record books after spritely 91-year-old James “Herbie” Kirk won with Aston Laurent at The Meadows recently.

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Brianna Jackson handling success like a pro

She may have only had her handler’s licence for a short period of time, but Brianna Jackson is racking up the winners left, right and centre.

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Courageous comeback to training

Four years ago a horrific accident left 32-year-old Nathan Doggett’s life hanging by a thread, but the courageous western districts greyhound trainer is now back winning races.

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